S.E.A. Code of Ethics

General Code of Ethics (in agreement with the Kennel Club)

1. Will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.

2. Will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon who performs an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, or who carries out a caesarean section on a bitch, may report such operations to the Kennel Club.

3. Will agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes.

4. Will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act.

5. Will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally.

6. Will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or  to the breed.

7. Will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties.

8. Will ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home.

9. Will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited.

10. Will only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change.

11. Will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home.

12. Will ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available.

13. Will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind.  Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand-alone items (not accompanying a dog).

14. Will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog.

Furthermore, Association Members will be expected to follow the breed-specific recommended practices:

15. Undertake to ensure the well-being of the individual Eurasier as well as that of the Breed as a whole.


16. Ensure that all dogs in their keeping have their emotional needs satisfied. This means, among other things, allowing Eurasiers to be with their human family whenever possible; not leaving them alone for long periods and never keeping them in a kennel (boarding kennels excepted), chained, or otherwise restricted outdoors.

17. Provide appropriate socialisation and training.

18. Maintain the best possible standards of canine health and care.

BREEDING (Breeders & Stud Dog Owners)

19. Breed Eurasiers according to the UK Kennel Club Breed Standard (version dated September 2016), also considering the slight differences in the FCI Standard 291. A sound working knowledge of both standards is advisable.

20. Always undertake breeding with the welfare and improvement of the breed in mind.

21. Join the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme at their earliest convenience upon joining S.E.A. unless they are already a member of that Scheme.

22. It is highly recommended to get all Eurasiers fully health-checked, whether or not they are used for breeding, as this benefits the breed. Owners should provide the S.E.A. representative responsible for health with copies of any health data, including diagnosed illnesses, obtained from their dog/s and answer any related questions openly and honestly, as this will help improve the health of the breed in future generations.

23. Plan matings selectively and conscientiously.

24. To breed only with stock who are confident and balanced animals. A temperament test is recommended. No excessive nervousness, shyness or unwarranted aggression should be tolerated.

25. Both sire and dam must have hips and elbows screened through the BVA/KC or other similar accredited scheme and have satisfactory scores. The elbow score should be 0.

26. The dog’s registered name and microchip number must be recorded on all health reports/certificates.

27. Both, sire and dam must have patellas scored by a vet. Only dogs and bitches with normal patellas (score of 0/0) and/or with a veterinary statement of being ‘free from’ patella luxation are to be used for breeding.

28. Both sire and dam must be clear of entropion and ectropion. A BVA eye test is recommended. Any Eurasier with diagnosed distichiasis should only be mated to an unaffected dog.

29. Both sire and dam must have a minimum of a Four-Panel Thyroid Test (T4,fT4/fT3,TSH,TgAA), and all values must be within the normal range. All breeding stock must be tested every 2 years, or before a mating.

30. All breeding stock must have correct gender characteristics. Sires must have two apparently normal testicles fully and naturally descended into the scrotum.

31. All breeding stock should have a full set of teeth (42 conforming to the usual tooth conformation) unless certified by a vet to have been lost, and a normal scissor or pincer bite. Dogs with missing P1 & P2s should only be mated to an unaffected dog.

32. All breeding stock must have naturally pricked ears; semi-pricked or pendulous ears are not acceptable.

33. No breeding animal is allowed to have a kinky tail unless certified by a vet that it has been acquired after birth.

34. All breeding stock should have good nose and lip pigment. Any lack of pigment should be compensated for in matings where possible.

35. When mating a Eurasier to another whose owner is not obligated to comply with this Code of Ethics, ensure that their Eurasier is fully health-checked and ask for written evidence thereof to share with the SEA Breeding Subcommittee. Also ensure that the bitch owner has the necessary time and facilities to bring up the puppies in a satisfactory environment.

36. Not allow a bitch to produce, or a stud to sire, more than 3 litters until at least two puppies have been health-checked and achieved satisfactory results for hips, elbows, patellas, eyes and thyroid function as indicated above.

37. Always be mindful that the nature and needs of breeding stock are the same as those of all Eurasiers: They are first and foremost COMPANION dogs. Breeders are therefore expected to keep retired breeding Eurasiers as an integral part of the family and not re-home or dispose of them. Keeping numbers of dogs that cannot reasonably be viewed as family companions (maximum of 3 bitches of breeding age), and volume breeding, are neither in the best interest of the individual dog, nor of the breed. Dealings with other breeders not adhering to such ethics is not in agreement with this Code.

38. Only breed 2 litters within a 12-month period.

39. Not to breed a bitch intentionally on 2 successive seasons.

40. Only breed a litter if they have the time and facilities to devote proper care and attention to the rearing of the puppies and the wellbeing of the dam.

41. Only breed a litter if they have a list of potential buyers before the mating and are reasonably sure of finding suitable homes for the puppies.

42. Not intentionally mate a Eurasier with any other breed, nor with a Eurasier not registered with a national Kennel Club in its country of origin / residence.

43. Be honest and open about hereditary problems occurring in their stock to ensure that these are not unknowingly perpetuated.

44. Once a sire has produced puppies numbering 10% of the population that reside in the UK, the owner is expected to withdraw him from use in the UK.

45. Only mate bitches that will be between the age of 18 months (KC regulation is 1 year) and 8 years when they whelp, and then only if they are considered physically and mentally fit enough to raise a litter of puppies.

46. Ideally let puppies go to their new homes between the age of 8 and 12 weeks, as that is the best time in the development of a puppy.

47. Provide all new owners with all written information according to the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme. Keep in touch with new owners, answering questions and giving advice where appropriate.

48. Endorse all registrations of puppies ‘Progeny not for Registration’. The purchaser must be advised of this condition of sale, in writing, before purchase has been completed, and advised of the conditions for lifting this restriction.

49. Microchip all their puppies.

50. Encourage new owners to join the Southern Eurasier Association (UK) or another national breed club of good repute. Breeders are advised to give new puppy owners a year’s complimentary Membership of S.E.A..

51. Strongly encourage owners to have their dogs fully health-checked. The use of a health deposit is recommended.

52. Be responsible for the stock which they have bred and sold, and be prepared to take back and either keep or re-house dogs they have bred.

53. Must ensure that they are fully meeting the legal requirements of their Local Authority. This includes, if applicable, the application for a Local Authority licence to breed.


54. In all their activities, Members should have uppermost in their minds that the Association exists to safeguard the Eurasier Breed and its unique Philosophy, as well as to provide a platform for social and educational activities.

55. The more experienced owners and breeders shall be ready to give advice and assistance to Members who seek it and shall make their knowledge and experience available for the good of the Breed.

56. In all questions of ethics relating to the Breed, whether covered by this Code or not, each Member shall act solely in the best interests of the Breed and shall willingly help and encourage any Eurasier owner, be they a Member or not, to uphold those interests.

57. Members will at all times abide by the Kennel Club’s Code of Conduct (see

http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media/29263/kccodeofconduct.pdf) which includes the use of Social Media.


58. No-one should be subject to intimidation or made to feel alarmed or distressed or put in fear of reprisal. Harassment is a criminal offence. To that end S.E.A. and the Kennel Club adopt a zero-tolerance approach towards any type of harassment activity.


59. The Rules allow each Member a democratic voice in the running of the Association. There is a process that can be used in the event of dispute or conflict (No 60 and 61), and Members are expected to use this route if required. Additionally, there is the option to request an item is put onto the Agenda at the AGM, or to request joining the Committee at one of their meetings for guidance. In line with the KC advice on Social media, be mindful about what you post: “Rude, spiteful and ill-informed comments say more about those writing them than about those who they seek to criticize.” To this end the Committee may issue a warning if comments are deemed detrimental to the reputation of an individual and/or the Association, or take steps in accordance with Rule 10 (Rules). 


60. Any Member wishing to report an infraction of this Code shall do so in writing to the Secretary and shall include supporting evidence in writing.

61. On receiving such a Report, the Secretary shall submit it to the Committee. If the Committee decides that it is of sufficient substance to warrant investigation, the Secretary shall communicate its contents to the alleged offender inviting his/her comment, which he/she shall submit to the Committee as soon as possible. The Committee shall use its discretion in deciding what action to take subsequently.